Problem Solving Strategico®

The Strategic Problem Solving Model (SPP ® ), formulated in an original way by Giorgio Nardone, is an experimental empirical research-intervention method that can be applied by definition to any type of problem and to decidedly different fields.
In other words, it is the methodology on which different applicative approaches merge: from psychotherapy, to coaching, to counseling, to the pragmatics of communication; the wealth of contents and techniques that characterize it therefore makes it usable for achieving results relating to different individual and organizational focuses.
The method:
- generates non-replicable solutions because they are built ad hoc on the characteristics of the problem to be solved and on the definition of the objectives to be achieved;
- involves the application of a research – intervention method based on non-ordinary logic aimed at observing the persistence of a problem, rather than its formation;
- explores how a problem works and directs the investigation in the direction of the search for change from the present to the future, outlining a solution:
- flexible because it adapts to the problem and to people and not vice versa;
- minimal because it initially aims at small changes within the system;
- self corrective because it can be modified if the results are unsatisfactory
- suitable because it communicates using the language and logic of the people involved.