Lego Serious Play®

The Lego Serious Play ® methodology is a thought facilitation and decision making technique for organizations, work teams and individuals.
The main objective of a workshop managed through this technique is to lead the participants to “build with their own hands” a three-dimensional model of their own problem of a strategic, operational or relational nature in order to jointly define development and improvement actions.
The technique allows you to act on different thematic areas including:
- The definition of a strategy and its execution through a guided process of representation of the organization, of the context in which it is inserted and of the functional actions to achieve the reference objectives.
- The exploration of the dynamics that regulate the functioning of a team and the participatory and shared identification of the functional guidelines for the development of its performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.
- The management of change processes through modeling of the lived organizational state, the representation of the expected evolution and the identification of the resources that the individual and the group must put into play to reach the desired state.